無著法師的( 西元 2003年)專書《Satipaṭṭhāna, The Direct Path to Realization》出版之後,陸續已經有將近十種語言的譯本,本書的中文譯本由香光尼眾僧團出版。這個部落格的宗旨為提供此書讀者與翻譯者的溝通平台,用來改進譯文,以作為再版的訂正參考。

2013年2月11日 星期一


pict 12

不淨(隨)觀 asubhānupassī (contemplating the body as unattractive)

般若 paññā (wisdom 智慧)

平靜 upekkhā (equanimity 捨)

明確地知道 sampajānāti (know clearly)

貪欲 abhijjhā (desire)

涅槃 nibbāna (realization)

sati (mindfulness, awareness) noun.

念和正知 satisampajañña (mindfulness and clear knowledge)

念住 satipaṭṭhāna (mindfulness)

觀智 ñāṇa (wisdom out of insight)

苦行 tapas (self-mortification)

苦(隨)觀 dukkhānupassī (contemplating the body as dukkha)

看 passati (see)

壞滅(隨)觀 vayānupassī (contemplating the body as to-be-decayed)

見 dassana (vision)

精勤的 ātāpī (diligent )

念的 sati (mindful) adj.

覺知 sati (mindfulness, awareness) noun.

現前 upaṭṭhāna (being present)

知道 pajānāti (know)

直接之道 ekāyano maggo (the direct path)

智慧 paññā (wisdom)

正念 sammā sati (right mindfulness)

正知的 sampajāna (clearly knowing)

捨 upekkhā (equanimity 平靜)

如實知見 yathābhūtañāṇadassana (to see as it really is)

隨觀 anupassati (contemplate)

隨觀 anupassī (contemplating)

憂惱 domanassa (discontent, grief, displeasure)

無常(隨)觀 aniccānupassī (contemplating the body as impermanent)

無我(隨)觀 anattānupassī (contemplating the body as non-self)

往 ayana (going)

遠離貪欲和憂惱的 vineyya abhijjhādomanassa (free from desires and discontent)


abhijjhā 貪欲 (desire)

anattānupassī 無我(隨)觀 (contemplating the body as non-self)

aniccānupassī 無常(隨)觀 (contemplating the body as impermanent)

anupassati 隨觀 (contemplate)

anupassī 隨觀 (contemplating)

asubhānupassī,不淨隨觀 (contemplating the body as unattractive)

ayana 往 (going)

ātāpī 精勤的 (diligent)

dassana 見 (vision)

dukkhānupassī 苦(隨)觀 (contemplating the body as dukkha)

ekāyano maggo 直接之道 (the direct path)

maggo 道 (path)

ñāṇa 觀智 (wisdom out of insight)

nibbāna 涅槃 (realization)

pajānāti 知道 (know)

paññā 智慧 (wisdom)

passati 看 (see)

paṭinissaggānupassī 捨離(隨)觀 (contemplating the body as something to let go)

sammā sati 正念 (right mindfulness)

sampajāna 正知的 (clearly knowing)

sampajānāti 明確地知道 (know clearly)

sati 念的 (mindful) adj.

sati 念,覺知 (mindfulness, awareness) noun.

satipaṭṭhāna 念住 (mindfulness)

satisampajañña 念和正知 (mindfulness and clear knowledge)

tapas 苦行 (self-mortification)

upaṭṭhāna 置放於附近 (placing near),現前 (being present)

upekkhā 捨 (equanimity 平靜)

vayānupassī 壞滅(隨)觀 (contemplating the body as to-be-decayed)

vineyya abhijjhādomanassa 遠離貪欲和憂惱的 (free from deaires and discontent)

yathābhūtañāṇadassana,如實知見 (to see as it really is)


awareness 念,覺知 sati (mindfulness) noun.

being present 現前 upaṭṭhāna

clearly knowing 正知的 sampajāna

contemplate 隨觀 anupassati

contemplating 隨觀 anupassī

contemplating the body as dukkha 苦(隨)觀 dukkhānupassī

contemplating the body as impermanent 無常(隨)觀 aniccānupassī

contemplating the body as something to let go 捨離(隨)觀paṭinissaggānupassī

contemplating the body as to-be-decayed 壞滅(隨)觀 vayānupassī

contemplating the body as unattractive 不淨(隨)觀 asubhānupassī

desire 貪欲 abhijjhā

diligent 精勤的 ātāpī

direct path 直接之道 ekāyano maggo

discontent 憂惱 domanassa

equanimity 捨 upekkhā (平靜)

free from deaires and discontent 遠離貪欲和憂惱的 vineyya abhijjhādomanassa

going 往 ayana

know 知道 sampajānāti

know clearly 明確地知道 sampajānāti

mindful 念的 sati adj.

mindfulness 念住 satipaṭṭhāna

mindfulness 念,覺知 sati (awareness) noun.

mindfulness and clear knowledge念和正知 satisampajañña

path 道 maggo

realization 涅槃 nibbāna

right mindfulness 正念 sammā sati

see 看 passati

see as it really is 如實知見 yathābhūtañāṇadassana

self-mortification 苦行 tapas

vision 見 dassana

wisdom 智慧 paññā

wisdom out of insight 觀智 ñāṇa

